Shop Update: February 23 at 9am PST


Your most pressing questions are about to be answered

Here Come the FAQ's!

We Ship as Low-Key as Possible

Every Mellyknits product is packaged and shipped with tomorrow in mind, with each element being thoughtfully chosen to minimize waste. We love minimal packaging made from materials that can return to the earth, compostable bags, reused and recyclable boxes, eco-paper and local suppliers.

Nothing ruins a great online shopping trip like insane shipping costs! With that in mind, expect your item(s) to arrive a bit squished in a compostable mailer, flat rate box or second hand box. We will just shove the item(s) in a mailer / box and seal it up. It keeps things cheaper for you and cheaper for us and better for the earth if we aren't dealing with fancy packaging.

Shipping costs are calculated at the actual rate to ship plus about $2.00 to help cover the cost of shipping materials - no extra for the second hand box ;) All items are mailed with the most cost effective option that comes with with tracking. You will be able to see shipping costs before you put in any credit card info but adding items to your cart, selecting check-out and popping in your address.

We do combine shipping as a rule when we can, and refund shipping overages more than $4. The goal is to get your items to you for the least amount of money possible. We also offer local porch pickup.

We will usually mail your order within 1-2 business days, except for Sommelier items which ship by the 15th of the month.

We Don't Accept Returns so Read the Item Descriptions Carefully
With the exception of a mistake on your order, all sales are final. We do our best to provide vivid descriptions, accurate photos and the pertinent technical info (weight, meterage, etc) so please read the description carefully before purchasing and make sure it's what you want. If we totally screwed up and sent you completely the wrong thing, contact us and we will fix it! Remember that different screens can show different tones, and the weight of fibre can fluctuate by a gram or two in different climates. 

You Will Most Likely Find a Bit of Grass in Your Wool
Rest assured we have removed all the really funky stuff, but grasses and hay are a part of barn life and for all we try, we can never get it all out of the fleece. And believe me we try! Go ahead and just pick it out when you see it, or leave it in and let it further connect you to the real farms this fibre came from.

Hand Wash and Lay Flat to Dry
Unless you are intentionally trying to shrink it, you gotta take care! Hand washing is easy - don't be scared - and wool will outlive you if you are nice to it. Use gentle soap (I recommend Eucalan), soak your items in some cold water mixed with that, then squeeze the water out (do not twist!). Lay flat to dry and you are golden. Keep in mind that wool items don't need to be washed nearly as often, most of my sweaters just get laid out in the fresh air and sunshine every now and then. Socks, toques and mittens can go in the sink with the instructions above.

We Have a Dog
Please be aware that we are a dog friendly household! We are also wool friendly (duh) and teenager friendly, so lots of things to be allergic to.

We Do This Giant Hobby from a Medium-y Townhouse
And all 1700sq feet of it gets put to excellent use. That square footage is shared amongst the 5 of us, but we have many creative ways of storing and processing wool (thanks to the Hubby) and it happens in and around our daily life. If this story has a moral, it would be that you dont need to have a basement or a huge yard or a spare room to do the things you love. Work with what you've got - grow where you're planted.