Sommelier - Guts 2
Regular price
Frequency: Bi-Monthly
Wool Mix Type: Random
Size: 115g
Sommelier "Guts 2” is an unfinished Mellyknits Fibre Club, where members receive Mellys choice of hand washed wool (and sometimes exotics) to pick/blend/card themselves!
*Guts is washed wool that has not been picked or carded. The quality of the final batt will vary depending on how thoroughly the wool is picked and the equipment used to card*
Guts 2 begins in May, and subsequent guts will ship in July, September, November, January and March.
Sommelier is an auto-ship subscription and you can cancel at any time, but please be aware that if you do there is no guarantee you can rejoin if the spaces are full. Fibre will ship by the 15th of each month of your plan. *If you are in Canada and want a tracked shipping option, message me! It is currently set for untracked lettermail*