Shop Update: February 23 at 9am PST

Sommelier - Firefly

Sommelier - Firefly

Regular price $55.00 Sale

Frequency: Bi-Monthly

Batt Type: Random

Batt Size: 100g

Sommelier "Firefly" is the second ever Mellyknits Fibre Club. This club is perfect for anyone who loves a surprise and is excited to spin whatever shows up ;) The batts we make for Firefly are completely random, so members could receive anything from a white Pure batt, to a neon experimental blend - it’s totally based on what Melly loves best that month. As this is a mystery club and we won’t reveal the details until all the batts have been delivered. 

Firefly begins in May, and subsequent batts will ship in July, September, November, January and March.

Sommelier is an auto-ship subscription and you can cancel at any time, but please be aware that if you do there is no guarantee you can rejoin if the spaces are full. Fibre will ship by the 15th of each month of your plan.